We encourage all parents and or guardians to be involved in the activities. We believe that parental participation is key to any successful child care program. Children should be raised by parents. At The Learning Tree, we strive to fill the gap created during early separation and educational opportunities and when parents are not available. We welcome parental visits. We have an open door policy that allows parents access to the center during operating hours. We have enclosed a sample list of some of the opportunities for involvement in our center. Parents are in no way limited to the involvement listed below. Any parent wishing to be involved in another area is strongly encouraged to contact the The Learning Tree office with their suggestion.
⦁ Parent Meetings (Usually 2-3 times per year)
⦁ Fall Open House
⦁ 2 individual conferences/year
⦁ Programs and Special activities, such as the Christmas Program
⦁ Special parent’s involvement activities such as THANKSGIVING FEAST
⦁ Party Day Volunteer
⦁ Come and eat lunch with your child
⦁ Classroom Volunteer
⦁ Send special treats for snack or meals (please notify the teacher a day or two in advance)
⦁ Help with center Fund Raiser
⦁ Participation in a parent’s group
⦁ Graduation Ceremony
⦁ Reverse Field trips (When we bring a “field trip” type activity to our property)
We also expect parental involvement in discipline and behavior intervention as outlined in these policies
Parents and children are welcome to tour our facility at any time without an appointment. We encourage each child to explore the classroom and meet the teachers before their first day to establish a sense of familiarity with our center. Families are asked to bring a family photo to display in their child’s classroom for added comfort. Parents/Guardians are also welcome to call or visit any time.
The success of our program is based on establishing a partnership between our parents and our staff. Open and frequent communication will help your child have a positive early learning experience. We will endeavor to keep you informed concerning your child’s day and overall development through several written means.
⦁ Monthly parent newsletters to keep you informed as to the overall program.
⦁ Parent Board – updated with current information about The Learning Tree and curriculum
⦁ Daily written communication in the form of “Daily Report” forms, “Incident/ouch” forms, and classroom memos will be place in the child’s “cubby” from time to time.
⦁ Parent/Teacher meetings twice each year
⦁ Parents always have the option of requesting specific parent/teacher interaction to aid in the child’s development.
We will endeavor to be communicative during drop-off and pick-up times. However, this is not a good time for extended conversations since the staff members/teachers have responsibilities for all of the children in the group. Furthermore the person caring for your child at the pick-up time may not be the individual who has spent the majority of the day with your child. This is due to the fact that many children spend 10 hours a day the center and most of our employees only work 6-8 hours. Since children learn best in the morning, we schedule the teachers who are responsible for the majority of the class room development for the earlier hours and the majority of the day. We suggest that you go to your child’s “lead” or “primary” teacher to obtain detailed information on your child’s general growth and development. You can call to see how your child’s day is going or to speak to your child’s teacher for more detailed conversation. The best time to call and speak to your child’s teacher is during naptime. There is always a member of management available for you to talk to in person or on the phone. You may also use the Payment/Suggestion box to leave information for Management, or you can e-mail us through at thelearningtree218@gmail.com.
Parents are to notify the center of any change in home or work phone numbers and addresses. This is for your safety so that we may reach you in an emergency. The center requires that someone listed on the Pick-Up Permission form of each child be available within (30) minutes notice to come and pick up a sick child or a child. It is required that all changes of phone numbers, places of employment, residence changes or changes in pick-up information be turned into the office immediately. Please give the Director written notice of the change as soon as possible.
Parents must accompany their child (ren) into The Learning Tree every morning and clock their child (ren) in immediately. Parents are also required to assist their child with hand washing procedure prior to entering the classroom. Children are not permitted in the building prior to opening hours. New families will be given a code to enter the building during operating hours. All children must be signed in and signed out with the time indicated by a responsible adult. The clock in/out system is located right at the counter in the foyer. The children are not allowed to come into the The Learning Tree alone or to sign themselves in. This is for their protection in case of an emergency. We require that all children have direct contact with a person upon arrival for early detection of apparent illness, communicable disease, or unusual condition or behavior, which may adversely affect the child or the group. If any of these things are determined, the child will be sent home immediately.
Pick Up
All children must be picked up and signed out by an adult and/or person approved by the parent and the center. All children must be checked out before being picked up from their classroom. Anyone, including all parents, who are to be allowed to pick the child up, must be listed on the Pick-up Permission form or be approved in writing by a parent. Anyone not recognized by sight will be asked for a picture ID. The Learning Tree understands that this can be an inconvenience however; this is an added safety precaution to prevent unauthorized persons from having access to your child and being able to remove them from the center. In the event anyone out of the ordinary is to pick-up the child, please alert the office prior to that time. This is in addition to them being on the Pick-up Permission form or approval as stated above. It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the office and make changes on this form whenever necessary. Please be aware that children will NOT be released under any circumstances to impaired individuals. If we have reason to believe that any persons picking up a child is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, an emergency contact will be called to pick up the child. The incident will also be reported to The Department of Children and Families and the Abuse Hotline.
Parking Policy
The Learning Tree has a drop-off area in front of the building. Due to the limit of the number of vehicles that may be in this area, please park in one of the parking spaces if you anticipate you will be in the building longer than 5-10 minutes. We strongly urge you to turn your car off and lock it when you come in to drop-off or pick-up your child(ren). The Learning Tree is not responsible for items lost or stolen from cars or from the parking lot or facility.
All children enrolled must have their immunization records up-to-date or provide an exemption affidavit. Immunization cards need to be presented on or before the first day the child attends the center. A photocopy of these will be kept on file. When your child receives additional immunizations, you are required to bring your immunization card back in for us to take a current photocopy of it so that we can up-date your file. Whenever any information on this card changes it is the parent responsibility to notify the center and up-date or re-do this form.
The parent must provide the child’s immunization record and all information must be current. The parent shall also provide proof of this with a form signed by a health care provider. This form will state that the child has received all current, age-appropriate immunizations. Parent’s wishing to take a religious exemption must contact the office to find out the proper procedure for providing an affidavit of such a religious opposition.
All medication to be given to children must be in the original bottle with the instructions clearly printed on it as provided by the doctor’s prescription or by the pharmaceutical company. All medicine including scripted and un-scripted medications must be in an up-to-date bottle and not be out-dated or past-dated. All prescription medication must have that child’s name on the script. All non-prescription medicine must have a permanent sticker with the child’s name and the date the medication was left at the center. A “Permission to give Medication” form needs to be filled out prior to the administration of any medication. All medicines must be personally handed to the teacher in charge at the time of arrival along with the
“Permission to give Medication” form (Filled out). The Learning Tree reserves the right not to give medicines if the dosage is questionable or not according to the label. The Learning Tree reserves the right to request a doctor’s consent via hand written prescription for any non-prescription medications. A copy of the “Authorization to Give Medication” form along with the medication bottle and any remaining medication will be given returned to the parent upon completion of the course of medication.
We must be aware of any food or other known allergies that affect your child. If your child has any known food allergies, you will need to fill out an “Allergy/Food Exemption Medical Statement” (form on page Z-21). This allows us to alert all of our staff to be on guard of their allergy. The Allergy/Food Exemption Statement must be turned into our office as soon as this allergy has been identified. This form must be updated annually. We also need to be aware of any Non-Food allergies that can affect your child. If your child has any Non-food allergies you will need to fill out a “Non-Food Allergy Medical Statement” (form on page Z-22) which must be turned in to our office as soon as this allergy has been identified. This form must be updated annually. You will also need to fill out a “Authorization to give Medication” form (Example on page Z-23) if your child requires an Epi-pen or other emergency treatment.
These guidelines are for the welfare of all of our children. In order to provide a safe and healthy we rely on our parents to monitor their children with these guidelines in mind. Outdoor play is essential to your child’s development. We feel that if your child is too sick to play outdoors then they are too sick for group care. A child that is ill or has a temperature of 101 degrees or above should be kept at home. All children shall have direct contact with a staff member upon arrival for early detection of apparent illness, communicable disease, or unusual condition or behavior, see the Drop-Off section above. A child that is too ill to remain in the center shall be supervised and cared for until the child can be cared for elsewhere. The child will be sent home if he/she is running a temperature of over 101 degrees, if he/she is vomiting or has diarrhea, or if it is suspected that he/she has a contagious disease. In the event you are called to come pick up an ill child, you must pick your child up within 30 minutes, or overtime rates will apply. If a child needs to be sent home and their parents are unreachable, we will call the emergency contacts listed on the Pick-up Permission form. If no one is available by contact after 30 minutes the overtime rate will apply. The center reserves the right to request the child to see a physician or have a physician’s note prior to returning. For further clarification refer to the F-Section of this manual for our full “First Aid/Medication Policy” and our “Guidelines: When A Child Can Return.”
We are closed on:
The week of December 24th -December 28th
Memorial Day President’s Day Good Friday
New Year’s Eve New Year’s Day Veteran’s Day
Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Labor Day
Martin Luther King Day Independence Day
Other Closures
Due to state training requirements The Learning Tree will be closed a minimum of 2 days during the year for teacher in–service training. This will be in the form of one day in the spring and one day in the fall. These days will be decided in January of each year and will be posted for your convenience. You will be charged at the regular rate for the week.
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